Skyla Rogers


Chidhood and Nature

Fine liner and Watercolour

21 x29.7 cm, 2023

Childhood and Nature

This is the final outcome for a tryptic I made about the human connection to nature in childhood. It follows the girl’s emotional journey as she meets the tree: from curiosity to awe and ending on freedom and understanding.

Watercolour and colouring pencil study of my cousin

Childhood photos of myself

Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker

Childhood and Nature

These are my initial ideas and inspiration for my tryptic. I based the character of the girl off of my cousin and childhood pictures of myself.

Childhood and Nature

This is my development, figuring out composition and looking at John Tenniel and Apel les Mestres to decide how to draw the trees.

Pierrot le Fou Playing Cards

Acrylic Paint and Digital Drawing


Playing Cards

This is the final outcome for a project where I had to design a pack of playing cards. I chose the theme of the French New Wave film Pierrot le Fou because I was drawn to the colour scheme and visuals of the film.

Pippy Longstocking by Lauren Child

My design inspired by Kevin Sabo

Playing Cards

Initial ideas and Research, I used scenes from Pierrot Le Fou to create the visuals on the cards. I was inspired by Lauren Child for the use of patterns and Kevin Sabo for the composition.

Life Drawings

Pencil, A3

1 hour, 2023

Pencil and Watercolour, 2024

Watercolour, 2023

Charcoal, (All 1 hour, A3)


Charcoal, 2023

Infancy and Nature

Air-dry Clay

1.3 metres, 2023

Infancy and Nature

Final Outcome for a sculpture that explores nurturing connection between nature and humans that begins the moment we’re born, mixing the female form and a tree, with an infant nestled in the roots.

Observational drawing of Untitled, Cravings White by Lee Bul

Tree at Kew Gardens

Tree at Kew Gardens

Infancy and Nature

Initial ideas and Primary Research for the Infancy and Nature sculpture, taking inspiration from Lee Bul and the shapes I saw in tree trunks and roots at Kew Gardens.

Air-dry Clay and Acrylic Paint, 30cm

Pyrography, 25cm

Soap carving, 8cm

Air-dry Clay, 1.3 metres

Infancy and Nature

Experiments with to decide what material to use and how to paint the sculpture. I found that soap carving couldn’t create thin branches so used air-dry clay because it gave me the most control. I looked at the painting styles of Ishibashi Yui and Lisa Wright.

British Library Main Logo Digital Drawing, 2024

British Library Fantasy Exhibition Logo

Digital Drawing, 2024

British Library Fantasy Exhibition Poster Digital Drawing, 2024

Museum Rebrand

Final Outcomes for a my brief to do a feasible rebranding of a museum or collection and I chose the British Library, focusing on the Fantasy: Realms of Imagination exhibition. I created a main logo for the library and a version of this specified for the fantasy exhibition as well as a promotional poster that is my interpretation of concept art by Brian Froud that was in the exhibition.

Photos I took at Fantasy: Realms of Imagination exhibition

Observational drawings with added watercolour

Museum Rebrand

Primary research at the exhibition, using the observational drawings I did to form my initial ideas for my logos and posters.

Babybell Girl

Risograph, A3



Colouring Pencil

Digital Drawing

Babybell Girl

Process of creating the risograph print. It began as a collaborative exquisite corpse which I then drew in my own style and converted onto a digital format to print.

Biro, 2023

Digital Drawing, 2024

Digital Drawing, 2024

Self Portrait, Digital Drawing with photos of my hair added on Photoshop, 2024

Exploring self-portrait

A personal project where I was inspired by the biro characters I drew over the summer to draw self-portraits that expressed feelings of vulnerability. I experimented with Lauren Child’s style, photoshopping images of my own hair into an illustration.

Old Age and Nature


61 x 91cm, 2023

Old Age and Nature

Final Outcome for a piece that explores how our relationship with nature deepens as we age. I created a frame of willow with thread woven through it to further demonstrate the deepened intertwining of people and nature as we age. I photographed it in nature to see how the natural frame helped it appear part of the natural world.

Adam Riches artist research

Old Age and Nature

Artist research and idea development for the Old age and Nature piece.

Etching, 10cm

The Shroud of Turin

Wrinkles and tree rings on Photoshop

Old Age and Nature

Explorations into how to express wrinkles with different mediums, trying etching and some photography. I found that the string didn’t give me enough control to create detail. I was inspired by the Shroud of Turin to use fabric to express a blending between the faces and nature.

String, 15cm

Thread, A4

Old Age and Nature

I found that using the sewing machine gave me the most control to create detail. I also explored ways to use watercolour as a background, deciding not to create a strong pattern with the watercolour because it distracted from the stitching.

Thread and Watercolour, A4

Thread and Watercolour, A4

Artist study of Princess Thumbelina

Artist study

Watercolour and Pencil

The Secet Lives of Princesses, Rebecca Dautremer

Watercolour and Fine liner

Watercolour and ink, 2024

Current work

I was inspired Rebecca Dautremer’s absurd proportions in her illustration of Thumbelina to create my own character that explores the shapes a crinoline can create, and how an exaggeration of the crinoline can be used to express a character’s emotions. I plan to continue developing this character, giving them a storyline that their crinoline is going to visually express.